Holidays 2023
Gillian in her Couch House Studio, 2018.
It is the end of November and winter is here. The snow arrived overnight and blanketed everything in a soft coat of white- and just like that, the coat room exploded and the winter boots were brought out, last years coats tried on again, and the frantic search for mittens ensued.
My inbox was flooded all weekend with Black Friday deals, Cyber Monday deals, last minute deals, deals, deals. I swiped them all straight into the trash and unsubscribed if I had the energy. As an entrepreneur, an artist, a one person show- it’s impossible to compete with big box stores and the corporate machine- with things being offered at below cost, because they will make up the loss elsewhere, or can take that hit because their labour is outsourced and cheap. It is also hard to compete during the holiday season, when you have a family to tend to (as well as yourself), to be hustling to market shows in off hours, posting on Instagram to keep people interested, and just generally to compete in the fast and furious world of marketing. It is so hard, that I have decided not to join in- how liberating!
So, in that vein, my reproductions are no longer available. They may come back online in the new year, but it will depend on the ebb and flow of life. Original artwork will remain available to purchase, as will workshops- for those who are interested. My goal is to get through the holidays and not need a holiday after! I am hoping this is one way to make that more attainable.
Wishing you a restful holiday season!